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Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-05-27 21:07
by Tank
That just happen to me... just a few minutes ago... I was like WTF!!!!! I didn't know what it was...

Then I went to the settings and one by one I start searching.. until... settings / Interface / Behavior


All of my passwords are gone!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

that was not nice at all! :(
a little warning next time please...

My question is...
who change it?
how did it got change?

it wasn't me I'm sure...

I have no mal-wares, ad-wares, trojans or any of that sort... I'm the only one using this PC...
well, I only have one "trojan" but it doesn't do anything it doesn't take any control over my pc... just screen-shots for the company but that is it...

57 passwords gone!! :x

I'm thinking that the last update did this... I don't know...

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-05-28 18:38
by botg
Did you at any time recently cleared or resetted your settings?

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-06 17:08
by kevn
I was able to reproduce this FileZilla behavior using on Windows 7. I recognize FileZilla is behaving as designed, but wish to assert that this design should be changed.

Description of the Behavior:

1. In FileZilla's quickconnect bar, the user fills in Host:, Username:, Password:, and Port: and then clicks on Quickconnect.

2. FileZilla displays a "Remember passwords?" dialog if this is the first time the Quickconnect feature has been used. The user can easily misunderstand that this dialog is specific to the particular host being quickconnected, but it is not, and the consequences are dire. This dialog controls password policy application-wide and will erase all passwords for all sites if "Do not remember passwords" is chosen.

The dialog has the following text:
Remember passwords?

Would you like FileZilla to remember passwords?

When allowing FileZilla to remember passwords, you can reconnect without having to re-enter a password after restarting FileZilla
- Remember passwords
- Do not remember passwords
3. The user, easily misunderstanding that this dialog applies only to the host s/he has just specified in the quickconnect bar, chooses "Do not remember passwords" and clicks "OK".

4. FileZilla proceeds to delete each and every password in all the sites defined in the Site Manager, resetting all of their Logon Types to "Ask for password", then later writes FileZilla's sitemanager.xml file, replacing the previous file, making the loss of all site passwords permanent.

It also sets the checkbox Edit > Settings > Interface > Behavior > Do not save passwords and saves that accordingly.

Design change requested

I think, and from this forum thread I think many others would agree, that the current status is undesirable UI design: During a site-specific action, there appears a dialog driving an arguably unrelated application-wide action with dire consequences of erasing all passwords for all sites without proper warning.

My preferred design change would simply be to remove the application-wide dialog from the Quickconnect process. Replace it with nothing, or replace it with a site-specific dialog, specific to the particular host being quickconnected.

If the developers see a need to have the user make an application-wide decision when using Quickconnect, then at least 1) Add a clear warning, and 2) Add an "Are you sure?" confirmation dialog before erasing all user-stored passwords.

Thank you,


Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-06 21:40
by boco
That dialog simply should be displayed at first startup of FileZilla. No more guessing if it's site-specific or not. Ask right away.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-12 19:08
by AbelDetailing
I've been using FileZilla for some time now, and when FileZilla provided the newest update, I was more than happy to oblige. Little did I realize, all my passwords were going to disappear in doing so. Reading these posts, I've un-checked "behavior> Do not save passwords". When clicking Quickconnect, I never un-click "Remember password for this session". And still, FileZilla does not store/remember my passwords. Any help is appreciated.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-13 06:08
by botg
After re-enabling saving of passwords, re-enter the data in the quickconnect bar, don't use the quickconnect history.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-13 19:36
by jkrarup
I have been using Filezilla for many years and I must admit I mostly use the Site Manager. The other day I used the Quick Connect menu. Today I discovered that ALL my saved passwords were gone!!!

I agree with everyone else that this is a stupid, stupid interface change.

I now know for future use but please change this so others don't go thru the same pain as I did of having to rediscover and reload ALL the many, many accounts that I had set up.

Pretty please!


Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-13 21:00
by botg
There was a dialog, you were prompted.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-06-30 13:22
by filegoat
botg wrote:There was a dialog, you were prompted.
That's a bit rude.

I also have suffered the fate of loosing over 20 passwords.

I used the quickconnect once and read the message prompt and interpreted it as whether or not I wanted this particular password saved to which I answered no.

Now all passwords have gone.

This needs to be explained more clearly or the process changed........obviously because numerous users have been affected by it.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-07-05 00:31
by irmoon
filegoat wrote:
botg wrote:There was a dialog, you were prompted.
That's a bit rude.

I also have suffered the fate of loosing over 20 passwords.

I used the quickconnect once and read the message prompt and interpreted it as whether or not I wanted this particular password saved to which I answered no.

Now all passwords have gone.

This needs to be explained more clearly or the process changed........obviously because numerous users have been affected by it.
I completely agree - and I didn't lose 20 passwords I lost 318. What a horrible nasty surprise. Luckily I have 297 backed up, but quite a number of those are unlikely to be current.

That experience was wildly unexciting in itself - but to get a response like that from the site admin? Poor form and more than a bit rude in my opinion.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-07-07 22:56
by irmoon
Considering I said I had over 300 passwords that's the shittiest piece of advice ever.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-07-07 23:46
by filegoat
AND, kind of defeats the purpose of having the site manager function.

I think it is quite obvious.....FILEZILLA needs to VERY CLEARLY say ALL OF YOUR PASSWORDS WILL BE DELETED.

Then we would not think it is just the one we were entering.

Not that hard really.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-07-08 07:45
by xeon
irmoon wrote:
filegoat wrote:
botg wrote:There was a dialog, you were prompted.
That's a bit rude.

I also have suffered the fate of loosing over 20 passwords.

I used the quickconnect once and read the message prompt and interpreted it as whether or not I wanted this particular password saved to which I answered no.

Now all passwords have gone.

This needs to be explained more clearly or the process changed........obviously because numerous users have been affected by it.
I completely agree - and I didn't lose 20 passwords I lost 318. What a horrible nasty surprise. Luckily I have 297 backed up, but quite a number of those are unlikely to be current.

That experience was wildly unexciting in itself - but to get a response like that from the site admin? Poor form and more than a bit rude in my opinion.
That's your own fault for not having up-to-date backups.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-07-09 13:30
by meridianblade
botg wrote:There was a dialog, you were prompted.
Ok, that right here, that is rube and wrong. After upgrading and using the quick connect all my sites dropped their passwords. Hopefully my install at home will recover most of the lost ones.

Just because something is "working as intended" doesn't mean its working right. A software engineer should know that you adapt and change to demand. Being stubborn and/or lazy when your user base is requesting even a simple copy change that would save so much frustration will kill a project quicker than anything else.

I'm lucky I only lost 30 or 40 sites. 300 sites would be enough for me to jump ship and never look back. That's a nightmare for a sysadmin.

Re: filezilla forgot passwords

Posted: 2013-08-12 15:14
boco wrote:Nothing to fix, working as intended. I agree the warning should be improved. However, who reads warnings? Many don't.
Oh my gosh. I've been using FileZilla for years too and this is the first "horrible programming feature" I've ever come across if this is supposed to do. No regard for use case.
I've been using FileZilla for years too with no problem, and the first time I used quickconnect in a while to test something real fast it nuked every single password I've saved over the years. This does not warn it will delete all your saved passwords. Since it showed up after I've used it with years testing one quickconnect site, I really thought it meant save passwords for this one, not go back and delete every single password I had been saving for years. that bites hard. Costing so much extra time now going back and recovering and reentering everything. That is a horrible place with not very good warning and I really hope this isn't "as intended" and just someone's idea of a sick joke.
Also it looks like I have to manually go through each and every of my dozens or so entries to manually turn them back to normal so I even have the option to save passwords again. I can't select and change them all from the list. ug.