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Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2023-10-27 10:16
by benweston
Hi all,

I'm an avid user of FileZilla and really appreciate all the work Tim does on it. As a developer myself, I fully understand why it's not as easy as 'just build one for Apple Silicon' when it's a free project. As such, I've been compiling my own Apple Silicon builds from the source code every time a new release comes along (for internal use by my business) and thought I'd share a link to a permanent 'latest' zip download for others. I hope this is OK by Tim. I'll endeavour to keep this up to date as new releases become available but no promises!

Permanent link:

If anybody wants to buy me a coffee for it, I won't say no :wink:

Re: Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2023-11-08 20:44
by andreinkho89
Hi benweston

First of all, I wanted to thank you for your work.

I tried to download the file, unfortunately it is not possible to run it on my mac.

I attach error screenshot.

Macbook Pro M1 pro 16GB Sonoma 14.0

Re: Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2024-03-14 06:37
by rocky_balboa
Thanks, I tried this as well and getting the same error as the user above. Seems something is going wrong in the compilation process. Thanks for trying though and considering us. Much appreciated.

Re: Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2024-03-14 09:21
by botg
You need to use the official download, it has been available for Apple Silicon for a while now.

Re: Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2024-03-14 12:18
by rocky_balboa
The only download option I see is a "" download which when I unpack it has an app that can't be opened.

Any guidance on how to use this would be appreciated. I've never see the above type of file.

Re: Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2024-03-14 12:44
by botg
Have a look at the additional download options.

The problem is that we cannot auto-detect your CPU. For some stupid reason, web browsers all say "Intel" in the user agent even on Apple Silicon CPUs.

Re: Apple Silicon Build

Posted: 2024-03-14 13:19
by rocky_balboa
I did actually download the Apple Silicon version (as you pointed out, the Intel one came up but was wrong). I tried unpacking with a different archive utility instead of The Unarchiver which I had been using previously and it all worked fine. Not sure what the Unarchiver is doing, but it is corrupting the file when unpacking. Rather bizarre but now all resolved and I know what to do in the future.