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Live site not updating

Posted: 2024-04-05 10:05
by waudsdesign

Not sure if this is the place to get such advice, but not really sure where else to go.

OK. So a friend asked me to update their website. Just simple minor changes, nothing major. They sent me the FTP details and I connected with FileZilla and was able to download the files and make the changes.

I uploaded it to my server to get their approval before going live. All going well so far.

Then I came to upload the new pages, again with FileZilla all went well. Went to check the live site and nothing had changed. I did a forced refresh, nothing changed. Cleared my cache, nothing changed. Looked at the site on another computer, tablet and phone. Still all showed the old site.

So I am baffled as to why it is not changing. Were should I start looking?

One thing I did notice. In the permissions column in FileZilla, the letters adfrw appeared next to the numbers 0644. I only usually get the numbers on other sites.

Hoping you can help.

Re: Live site not updating

Posted: 2024-04-05 14:53
by thomasmuller
got the same issue like this
does anyone help us?