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Download queue when interruption of transmission....doubles

Posted: 2008-06-16 22:48
by Trebly2

I could not find any solution to the problem of the generation of a download queue (i.e. 40 000 files), when there are multiple disconnections.
These disconnection have various causes, but the lonely way to obtain a complete queue anyway is to re-run the generation yet begun. The reason is that the file yet known and open from the download source are quickly re-registerd, so you canhave chances reach the end, without a fastidious and source of error split of group of file and treatment (combined with errors).

The problem is that the file is registered into queue for each connection. So for 42 Mo of file I need to generate a 860 mo queue... And one night of download with 400 errors to treat...

The solution could be option in generations of queue : "don't re-register if the file exist yet into queue with same name and size and/or date, if not replace.

This will threat easily the problem of the progressive generation of a queue with "doubled file names".

I hope my question is accurate.

I thank you to help me into the way to find a solution.
