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index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-23 03:16
by odh1
Hello Everyone,

I have just got passed over a job and I had to change sometings in the index, however,
when I download the index.html, the contents is always garbled, like this:

"00 ¨%F ¨î% ˆ –6 h@(0` €%@@@@@@@@@@@@+@@@2@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@3@@@.@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@N@@@p@@@|@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@@~@@¸±ÿµ¡–ÿ·¢—ÿº¦›ÿ™ƒw㽧›ÿîçâÿîçâÿßÓËÿÙÌÃÿåÛÕÿÕÊÃÿ¯›ÿ¬—‹ÿ¯™Žÿ”|qã™}qÛ½¨œÿÔĺÿÙËÃÿÞÑÉÿÝÑÉÿÛÍÅÿѺÿ°›‘ÿ¤Ž‚ÿuiã°šAž…zÛË»³ÿèßÚÿèßÚÿâ×ÐÿÙÊÂÿÒÁ·ÿ¼¨ÿŒsg㙀uP—€v㻫¤þ¨”‹ù”}rðšƒxã”|pÔ‰pe’øà€à"

I have checked and tried several times that I transferred in Binary, shouldnt be a problem with the transfer, because my contact.html is working fine in dreamweaver. Its just the index page.

Can any one enlighten me?

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-23 03:35
by odh1
Adding on:

I have tried both transfer types, ASCII and BINARY

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-23 06:10
by botg
Maybe a different editor will work?

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-23 06:47
by odh1
I tried TextWrangler too, the text itself is garbled from the minute it is in my local space

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-23 20:42
by botg
If this is the result of a binary data type transfer, then either the file on the server is corrupt, or some third-party program is actively sabotaging the transferred data.

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-24 02:52
by odh1
Could it be corrupt if the website is live and working?
There is no fault on the index page, or any other pages.

Could it be a permission problem?

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-24 17:47
by botg
Not a permissions problem. Unlikely that the file on the server is corrupt if the webserver serves the proper version, assuming ofc they both access the same file.

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-25 03:21
by odh1
so we can assume that if the webpage is working, it is not a corruption?
If so, what is the cause then? Ive checked all my programmes on my desktop that can edit codes, doesnt seem to have any difference. the file itself really contains the garbled texts

do i need to try a diff ftp?

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-27 21:34
by boco
Could you try with a different client and check if you still get a scrambled file?

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-10-28 02:53
by odh1
I just tried cyber duck, same results.

How can the corrupt html file work the website?
the website is running perfectly fine...

Re: index.html garbled text

Posted: 2013-11-02 04:43
by boco
How can the corrupt html file work the website?
That's the 60,000$ question. And you do have no other way than FTP to get the file?