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How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-07-10 04:19
by MadelineM
Hi! I have never done anything website related, so I need to be pointed in the direction of some tutorials or something. I found the script to put a "pin it" button onto our retail website, but I'm not sure how to actually put it on there. I'm also trying to put the facebook and twitter icons on.

Thank you so much in advance!!

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-07-10 07:21
by botg
Don't add social links, it only annoys actual people.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 07:19
by audiopro
In addition to lots of social media links, you could also add a couple of those fancy fly in banners which obscure your website's content - they really annoy ordinary people but the Twittering masses think they are great.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 12:55
by botg
You also need under-construction signs. And a rotating @.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 13:47
by audiopro
Not forgetting to wear those glasses with a slight pink hue which make Facebook & Twitter appear interesting.

I had a bacon butty for dinner, my neighbour's dog has fleas and have just been shopping for some bread. You see, social media can be really exciting sometimes.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 18:53
by boco
Ya' forgot lots of animated Compuserve GIFs and, last but not least, [blink]BLINKING TEXT[blink]. Oh noes, latest shit! :shock:

Hello from Angelfire/Homestead/Geocities! Shoot, I'm old. :(

Code: Select all
Don't forget to wear good eye and ear protection.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 20:18
by botg
I wonder, what would happen if Geocities were still around and you'd use the Geocities-izer on it?

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 20:27
by audiopro
I think we are just being silly and not helping the OP at all, although it made a change from dealing with people who shouldn't really go near anything with any kind of plug.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 20:38
by boco
Usually the social networks provide the code snippets themselves. They are usually put in header or footer. How exactly, I don't know.

The problem with these buttons is that they spy on visitors without having ever been pressed. That's what we mean by 'annoying'. IMO that hipster crap doesn't belong onto serious business websites at all. And F*book is the most unneeded website on Earth. But what do I know.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-02 20:51
by audiopro
I must admit, I have a facebook account and page but I simply don't get it really. I use it to access various organisations which I am interested in but in terms of design, it is awful. Try tracking down some information which was posted several weeks/months ago - impossible.
They tried to improve on the tried and tested forum model and failed miserably but if you question the design of the site with users they dismiss you as being old, past it and out of touch.
It will take a while but they will eventually realise that as an archive tool, F/book is a step backwards from a box of card index files - this is known as progress in some circles.
I must be getting old, I remember a time when Google Maps actually did what you wanted it to do rather that predict what I may want to do next and fall over in the process.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-03 01:55
by boco
I remember a time where we had punch cards and punch stripes for computers. Together with data on tapes, those did teach us patience. :roll:

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-03 08:18
by botg
I remember a time when Google Maps actually did what you wanted it to do rather that predict what I may want to do next and fall over in the process.
"Modern" software is like an idiot pretending to be smart. Only fools other idiots.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-03 08:35
by audiopro
Unfortunately, these idiots are fluent in modern buzz words and BS and many customers consider them superior to us experienced old timers.

I had a graphic designer tell me yesterday that you cannot create a website without a CMS.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-03 17:03
by boco
I had a graphic designer tell me yesterday that you cannot create a website without a CMS.

Re: How do I add links to social networks?

Posted: 2014-08-03 20:01
by botg
Pfff, what a sissy. We here can even create websites without a designer!