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MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 19:22
by Joe1234
I do not have this problem with Filezilla 3.2.31.........but with I get the following when trying to display a directory list (see below).......I went back to 3.2.31 and it is working again but something is wrong with
Command: CWD /incoming/xxxxx/yyyyyyy
Response: 250 CWD command successful.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (zzz,zzz,zz,zz,zz,z)
Command: MLSD
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Response: 257 "/incoming/xxxxx/yyyyyyy" is cwd.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Command okay.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (zzz,zzz,zz,zz,zz,z)
Command: LIST
Response: 150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
Response: 226 Transfer complete, closing data connection.
Status: Directory listing successful

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 19:48
by redleg
looks like the server you are working with doesn't understand the MLSD command, which is very silly as it is a two year old standard.. Other than contacting the server admin to see if their server is up to date, I would check any local firewalls to see if it is somehow blocking the updated FZclient from connecting out.

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 20:35
by Joe1234
we do have a firewall but would the firewall be specifically involved with a MLSD command ? ....versus a LIST command ?

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 21:09
by boco
Yes, that's possible. Some firewalls/router don't know how to treat the MLSD command and sabotge it, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 21:11
by redleg
many personal software firewalls attempt to control inbound and outbound packets per application in addition to controlling port accesses (and further what gets passed over those ports) all of which allows for some pretty tight rules craft.

Some PFWs are not too good at determining if a once permitted application has changed (as in been updated/upgraded), many use md5 or sha to hash and compare running programs/processes to that hash before allowing it to connect out or allow data back in.

Just a guess, but perhaps what rules worked before with older version of FZc won't work now, if it is a PFW try deleting the old rules and making a new rule for the new FZc.

I suspect it is more a non-compliant server though... You could take the new version of FZc and sent the server a raw command once you are connected, go to FZc toolbar, click server> "enter custom command"> and type LIST in the box, hit ok. If that returns the directory listing (before you timeout) then contact the FTP server admin to see if there is some upgrade they can do to get their server updated and RFC compliant.

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 21:48
by boco
Filezilla v2 and v3 are not the same software. Filezilla 3 is new and needs it's own rules. Also, depending on the firewall, you may need to renew the rules with every update.

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2009-08-06 21:50
by botg
MLSD is only used on servers that are advertising MLSD support. So if MLSD fails as seen in the log, it's clearly a broken router and/or firewall sabotaging the connection.

Re: MLSD - Connection timed out

Posted: 2011-08-09 16:39
by northbull
Just want to let people know how I got this working.

With the MLSD timeout the problem can also be in the router.

I got a new Asus router and I forwarded the ports for passive mode wrong.
I have a qnap NAS and I connect on port 21 on ftp and port xxxxx:xxxxx in passive mode.
In my asus router I set the port forward (virtual server) correctly now and it works again.
My FTP is forwarded correctly on port 21 to my NAS IP, just standart stuff. The problem was the passive ports my NAS wanted to use also.

I did this in my port forward section (Virtual Server is it called in ASUS routers):

Service name: Whateveryoulike

Port Range: The passive ports your device will use (standart 55536:56559 for Qnap)

Local IP: The local IP of the device (something like

Local Port: *LEAVE THIS BLANK* <My mistake was I set it to 21

Protocol: Both



BOOM! We got uplink.

The problem could be something else, but this fixed my timeout and now it all works.