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Can't see the list

Posted: 2005-12-20 19:12
by virginie
Hey everybody !

I have a problem : When I want to connect me, it's written :
Réponse : 200 PORT command successful
Commande : LIST

But I don't see the list of the remote site. :?

Posted: 2005-12-21 06:58
by botg
Please post a complete log, log snippets are of no use.

Posted: 2005-12-21 11:34
by virginie
Etat : Connexion à ...
Etat : Connecté à Attente du message d'accueil...
Réponse : 220 Wanadoo FTP server
Commande : USER [Username]
Réponse : 331 Password required for [Username].
Commande : PASS *******
Réponse : 230 User [Username] logged in.
Commande : FEAT
Réponse : 211-Features:
Réponse : 211-MDTM
Réponse : 211-REST STREAM
Réponse : 211-SIZE
Réponse : 211 End
Commande : SYST
Réponse : 215 UNIX Type: L8
Etat : Connecté
Etat : Récupération de la liste de répertoires...
Commande : PWD
Réponse : 257 "/" is current directory.
Commande : TYPE A
Réponse : 200 Type set to A
Commande : PORT 192,168,254,1,14,203
Réponse : 200 PORT command successful
Commande : LIST

PS: I remplaced my username by [username].

Posted: 2005-12-21 18:43
by botg
Please try to toggle passive mode on the firewall page in the settings dialog of FileZilla.

Posted: 2005-12-21 19:27
by virginie
Thanks ! That's right, I didn't remember I had to toggle passive mode. :oops: Sorry.