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Drag and drop shows Copy icon for Move operations

Posted: 2010-08-27 05:40
by greyham
I'm using FileZilla under Windows XP, and I've noticed that it always shows a Copy icon (indicated by a small [+] near the cursor arrow) for drag and drop even when doing a Move.

Normal Windows drag-and-drop conventions are: Show a [+] during a Copy, and just a regular arrow during a Move. Dragging a file between file explorer windows causes a Move if the target window is on the same filesystem, and a Copy if the target is on a different filesystem. Holding down the CTRL key overrides this default and always generates a Copy. Similarly, holding down SHIFT always generates a Move.

FileZilla doesn't appear to follow this convention. Even if I hold down SHIFT when I drag files between directories in the right hand panels, FileZilla always Moves the file despite showing the copy icon. Dragging a file between left and right panels always does a Copy operation and correctly displays the [+] icon by default, but it does this even if SHIFT is held down.

Could we please have FileZilla follow the Windows file explorer drag and drop conventions, when running on Windows?

Graham Stoney: Writer, Speaker, Communicator

Re: Drag and drop shows Copy icon for Move operations

Posted: 2010-08-27 06:00
by botg
This is a limitation of Windows' Drag&Drop API. The drop source cannot influence the drop action based on which element the mouse is hovering over. Regardless whether displaying the copy action by default or the move action, there's always the wrong one showing in about half the drop locations.