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550 Could not get home dir!

Posted: 2004-06-06 13:26
by umperio
Hi everyone! Here is my situation:
I have 2 pcs on a lan. I installed the server on one and the client on both, I created an account and tried to connect but this is what I get
Stato: Connesso a aries ...
Stato: Connesso con aries. In attesa del messaggio di benvenuto...
Risposta: 220-FileZilla Server version 0.8.9 beta
Risposta: 220-written by Tim Kosse (
Risposta: 220 Please visit
Comando: USER umperio
Risposta: 331 Password required for umperio
Comando: PASS *******
Risposta: 550 Could not get home dir!
Errore: Non รจ possibile connettersi!

Posted: 2004-06-06 20:41
by botg
You have to add a directory to the account, set it as home dir and give at least LIST permission.