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Login Problem

Posted: 2004-06-11 04:15
by artificialmaps
Hey everyone.

I had to do a destructive system recovery to my Windows XP OS and I lost all my information and files. I redownloaded FileZilla however, when I put in my host's name it says:

530 Login Incorrect

It's not allowing me to login and I'm under the anyonomous setting currently. Any help? Thanks.


Posted: 2004-06-11 22:14
by eddan
Hi there!

Give us atleast som logs to work with.

Posted: 2004-06-12 02:01
by artificialmaps
What do you mean give you some logs? lol.

Im not sure what login to use, I cant remember what I had. Im trying to sign in as an aynonomous user except Im not sure Filezilla will allow that because they already think I have a login name for that host, which I forgot. So, am I basically screwed or is there anyway to fix this?



Posted: 2004-06-12 08:18
by eddan
It seems the host you are connecting to do not allow anonymous logins, that's why you get that error 530. You need to connect with your login/pwd.

If you've lost your login/password for the host you are probably "screwed". But of course you could:

1. Contact the host and ask for you login/pwd if that's possible.

2. Use some sort of unformat/undelete utility to try and fetch filezilla.xml from your old Windows installation (Don't ask us how to do this, start with and search).

Btw: filezilla.xml is hopefully the file where your old hostinformation were on your previous Windows installation.

Hope that helps you on your way.