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How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-23 15:32
by alimart
Although I have happily been using FZ for years uploading and downloading from various sites, I would like to do the following. Instead of downloading large files (200MB) to my local computer, making changes and then uploading again (takes ages) - I want to use cloud storage.

Instead of setting my local folder as "C:/localfolder" how do I set it as a remote directory (in cloud storage) to work with my website with FTP access.

Is this possible? - my files are getting so large that using my slow broadband connection to upload is becoming impossible. I run an internet shop and customers want higher definition / larger size product images so my storage sizes are getting larger and larger - we also want to put up product videos.

Never tried using cloud storage before - anyone any tips?

Look forward to interesting replies.

Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-23 18:06
by boco
Instead of setting my local folder as "C:/localfolder" how do I set it as a remote directory (in cloud storage) to work with my website with FTP access.

Is this possible?

Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-23 19:28
by alimart
That was quite an emphatic,concise and clear answer!

Many thanks


Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-23 19:38
by boco
Longer answer: You could make a cloud storage resource appear like a local one. But even then, FileZilla needs to download the file from the server to the ''local'' resource. Would double network traffic and cause long waiting periods for big files (FTP usually accesses whole files, doesn't support random access too well).

There is a method transferring files between FTP/SFTP servers (called server-to-server transfers or FXP), FileZilla doesn't support that, yet.

Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-24 07:52
by audiopro
Cloud storage is just a fancy name for a remote server. I am not convinced it would be any better for you as you would still have to download the file from the server, edit it and then upload it again.
I don't understand why you download the file first before editing it. I just keep local copies of all the files and upload them as necessary. Storing them in two places like that gives you an additional backup.

At 200Mb, your images are extremely large.
By comparison, I have several 1200mm x 600mm high quality canvas prints which were created from files approximately 23Mb.

Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-24 09:40
by alimart

Thanks for your answers.

My files are not large individually, when you realise I have 2000 product lines each needing a photo and a thumbnail as well as short and long descriptions - the total amount of data adds up!

I was just looking for something to transfer files between servers (my own) and (cloud storage) and avoid the "local" part as much as possible.

Any suggestions as to how I might achieve this?


Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2013-03-24 11:04
by audiopro
There are a number of ways to achieve that but it depends on how your operation works.
I have a few clients who are in the same situation as you ie. several thousand product lines with images of each item. I find they only update a few images at a time as their product ranges are fairly constant with the addition of only a few items per month. It would be different if their products were changing weekly/monthly of course.
Some of them are retail shops with associated websites and the databases on their websites are updated each night, via a local program triggered by a Windows, scheduled task, from the local shop data. It sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is and as most of the data transfers are done in the early hours of the morning, it does not impact on their working day at all.

Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2016-04-30 18:28
by tekfrank
Hello, is there an easy way to achieve this now ?


Re: How to use cloud storage as "local" computer

Posted: 2016-05-01 00:29
by boco
There are no plans to implement server-to-server transfers. From what I know, the server-to-server (dubbed 'FXP') specification is incompatible with FTP over TLS.