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what i would like too see in filezilla3 ...

Posted: 2007-08-28 16:58
by spucek
1.) a dot (.) in filesizes (40567432 MB -> 40.567.432 MB). DONE
2.) option to select which coloums i would like to have visible in local/remote file list (like in filezilla2)
3.) option to right click on file or folder on ftp server and copy url of it to clipboard (with or without password)
4.) support for file buffer which would drastically reduce i/o operations and fragmentation of downloaded files.
5.) autoselect (or put focus on it) last viewed directory when going 1 level up (via backspace or double clicking on ".."
6.) support for backspace in file list :P DONE

I like FileZilla already especially multiconnections, but with this options it would be even better.

Re: what i would like too see in filezilla3 ...

Posted: 2007-08-28 17:56
by botg
spucek wrote:6.) support for backspace in file list :P
spucek wrote:1.) a dot (.) in filesizes (40567432 MB -> 40.567.432 MB).
2.) option to select which coloums i would like to have visible in local/remote file list (like in filezilla2)
3.) option to right click on file or folder on ftp server and copy url of it to clipboard (with or without password)
4.) support for file buffer which would drastically reduce i/o operations and fragmentation of downloaded files.
5.) autoselect (or put focus on it) last viewed directory when going 1 level up (via backspace or double clicking on ".."
In a future version.

Posted: 2007-08-28 18:03
by spucek
cool, hopefully this will be soon.

Posted: 2007-09-02 15:24
by jellyhead
I noticed that the site manager information is not stored within the Filezilla directory any longer. This means that when using Filezilla on a USB drive, You lose all site data when moving from PC to PC. Why was this function removed/changed? This was the main reason I used Filezilla.

Posted: 2007-09-02 15:38
by spucek
check FileZilla3\docs\fzdefaults.xml.example

Basically you have to copy that file as fzdefaults.xml in FZ dir, and edit 1 line in it to "<Setting name="Config Location">.</Setting>"

If you already made some changes or add sites, you can copy your profile from ...application data/filezilla.

Posted: 2007-09-02 15:47
by neopbm

I dont know if it's done yet but a auto CRC check would be great.

See you ;)

another feature request

Posted: 2007-09-07 22:07
by jovball
I'd like to have a right-click option for local files that would open the containing folder. There are times when I want to get a file from a server, edit it and put it back. It would be nice not to have to browse to the local location in FileZilla's tree view and then have to do the same thing in Windows Explorer.

If you want an example of what I mean, do a windows search for something in Win XP and then right-click on a found item.

Posted: 2007-09-08 07:29
by spucek
indeed, that would be nice + ability to open,view etc files via right click in local list. I miss that feature from Filezilla2 :S .

Posted: 2007-09-08 17:34
by Redheadriot
Will the option to view/edit a file in your own editor be coming back? Or is there a setting somewhere I'm missing? Everything else with version 3 is working great for me but I do miss that feature and can't find anything in my settings.

Re: what i would like too see in filezilla3 ...

Posted: 2007-09-08 19:43
by calebrw
spucek wrote:1.) a dot (.) in filesizes (40567432 MB -> 40.567.432 MB).
Please make that commas for countries that use commas and periods in numbers differently. A radio button for that, I guess.

Anyway, Congrats Botg on the release of FZ3. I've been checking in even if I don't post much anymore.

Posted: 2007-09-08 20:36
by spucek
Please add a feature (keep alive system in fz2) which would prevent disconnection of fz3 from server because of a few seconds inactivity.

Posted: 2007-09-09 01:38
by James Heinrich
After briefly installing FZ3, I uninstalled it and went back to 2.2.32 for these missing features:
  • no option to have sitemanager appear on startup
  • sitemanager window is too small and cluttered, I have 28 sites entered and I can see at least most of them easily in the 2.x sitemanager, but in the FZ3 version I can't even see to the end of the site name. At least make the sitemanager window save it's size/position, please.
  • no "edit/view file" option in context menu of either local or remote filelists
  • no options to configure display settings, that is the whole "Interface Settings, Remote/Local File List" sections of FZ2 options dialog -- column contents and sizes, number formatting, sorting, etc.

Posted: 2007-09-09 07:24
by MrY
Yes, exactly the third point is what I am missing most, please implant it in the next Update for FileZilla 3!

Another thing (maybe a configuration problem): On FileZilla 2 my connections were kept a long time, but on FileZilla 3 I get a disconnect after only a few seconds which, sorry, sucks.

There are good new features in FZ3, but why did you leave out such important things?

Best regards

Posted: 2007-09-09 09:15
by spucek
I will be using FZ2 and FZ3 until FZ3 gets all the features we miss in new FZ3 :\ .

Posted: 2007-09-09 18:41
by phendryx
James Heinrich wrote:After briefly installing FZ3, I uninstalled it and went back to 2.2.32 for these missing features:
  • no option to have sitemanager appear on startup
  • sitemanager window is too small and cluttered, I have 28 sites entered and I can see at least most of them easily in the 2.x sitemanager, but in the FZ3 version I can't even see to the end of the site name. At least make the sitemanager window save it's size/position, please.
  • no "edit/view file" option in context menu of either local or remote filelists
  • no options to configure display settings, that is the whole "Interface Settings, Remote/Local File List" sections of FZ2 options dialog -- column contents and sizes, number formatting, sorting, etc.
I second everything here. Also, fix the keep alive system, it doesn't work. Why remove version 2 from the downloads when 3 has so many bugs still? I love filezilla, but 3 needs to be cleaned up alot still (this is coming from a fellow software developer).
