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Limited number of files in directory listing?

Posted: 2020-05-05 07:28
by spithost
I'm working in a "conversion"-project with a folder on a server holding LOTS of files. Suddenly an increasing number of files appeared to disappear in the directory-listing of FIleZilla :-(
Gotten kinda scared of digital Corona-"friends" I logged on to the server that was holding the original files with ssh and discovered (to my great relief) that the files were still there and the number was still groing (as expected).
When I do a ctlr-A in the directory listing it shows the number of selected files as 9998 (which would account for the . and .. entry in the folder) adding up to 10.000 files as a maximum?!
Is there a limit to the number of files that FileZilla can present in the directory-listing or is it something in the communication between the server and FileZilla?

Re: Limited number of files in directory listing?

Posted: 2020-05-05 09:41
by botg
This is a server-side limit, your server administrator either didn't read the server manual or willingly decided to annoy you. Please contact your server administrator or server hosting provider for assistance to have the server configuration fixed.