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Cannot change FileZilla client language.

Posted: 2023-01-18 20:27
by Imre
I can not change language to Hungarian of a new installation of FileZilla client.
Only one menu item "Help" change to "Súgó", all other and submenus are not (even relaunch or reinstall it).
OS: Manjaro Linux
Ver.: 3.62.2

Best Regards:

Re: Cannot change FileZilla client language.

Posted: 2023-01-18 21:33
by boco
Does it occur also with the version from here? If not, it's a problem of the third-party distribution package you're using (aka repository version, which is NOT supported here).

Re: Cannot change FileZilla client language.

Posted: 2023-01-19 11:25
by Imre
The link is missing at "here" ?
The problem may in my side, because in a VirtualBox I can install the same version (and way) a FileZilla instance what have changeable language.
I had overwrite ~/.config/filezilla directory from the good one, but nothing changed.
I checked /usr/share/locale/hu_HU/ is present.
Maybe the repair does not worth more work, delete the topic if you want.
Thank you!

Re: Cannot change FileZilla client language.

Posted: 2023-01-22 00:49
by boco
Manjaro is pretty up-to-date with its repositories and dependencies, so the Linux package you can download here might work (although it's for Debian).