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Cannot connect to other computers, despite knowing I have the correct password and other info.

Posted: 2023-12-05 03:42
by 3s34rtfvFQErvb
Hi, I'm very much not good at most tech stuff and this is over my head. I have FileZilla on my main PC and a second one. I'm trying to connect it to two others, but every time I do it says:

Response: 331 Password required for ...
Command: PASS **********
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

I know the password is correct because it's worked on my other PCs and I've never changed it. I also know it's right because this started after I bought and returned a new laptop. I was having trouble signing in with that one so I googled it and learned to copy/paste the entire FileZilla folder from AppData into the new one, and that worked.

But now, despite it working on that laptop, I cannot get connected anywhere new. I definitely know it's the right password because I googled that too and found the Base64 stuff that confirms it.

So, what's going on with it telling me wrong password and stopping any new connections, even on machines where it currently works? Ty!

Re: Cannot connect to other computers, despite knowing I have the correct password and other info.

Posted: 2023-12-05 08:48
by botg
Please double-check your login credentials, watch out for character case and leading/trailing whitespace.

Make sure to use FTP over TLS so that malicious firewall and NAT routers cannot tamper with the login process.

Re: Cannot connect to other computers, despite knowing I have the correct password and other info.

Posted: 2023-12-06 01:51
by 3s34rtfvFQErvb
I'm not sure what you mean. I can assure you the login credentials are absolutely identical:

This one works:

This one doesn't:
(I removed parts of my name and some numbers in the host cause I assume those are private to me?)

The FTP thing looks right. Not familiar with how firewall or NAT thing would work. Also if this helps I did manage to email the seedbox people by accident about this problem (somehow). And they replied that it's not really they're job obv, but also he said, "You absolutely have some config mistake in there for 2 systems to give different response."

So, everything is typed in correctly. It worked on two PCs. I added a third when I "borrowed" a laptop from Walmart and that worked. After that, it cannot work on any new system, nor can I add a New Site 3 or 4 ^^. So the same info that works on New site 2 does NOT on New site 3 or 4. How can I fix that?

Re: Cannot connect to other computers, despite knowing I have the correct password and other info.

Posted: 2023-12-08 20:10
by 3s34rtfvFQErvb
Well I decided to upgrade to FileZilla Pro because I figured I'd get access to tech support to fix this problem. But Filezilla Pro itself doesn't have this problem! So, yay. ty!

Re: Cannot connect to other computers, despite knowing I have the correct password and other info.

Posted: 2023-12-08 21:06
by botg
The FTP functionality in FileZilla and FileZilla Pro is absolutely identical.

Re: Cannot connect to other computers, despite knowing I have the correct password and other info.

Posted: 2023-12-08 21:38
by 3s34rtfvFQErvb
Well my credentials and everything else work on Pro but did not work earlier. I've got no clue why, tell me if you do.