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New Feature Suggest: Cloud Backup Profiles

Posted: 2013-10-10 13:48
by msgiusto
I recently change my Notebook, and I forgot to backup my profiles. For this reason I had this idea, not very innovative, and I think it would simplify the lives of many people like me XD

The feature would be able to configure automatic backup of your profiles in a Dropbox account.

Thanks to all who make it possible Filezilla. The best FTP client!

Sorry for my English, undoubtedly very bad.

Re: New Feature Suggest: Cloud Backup Profiles

Posted: 2013-10-11 06:13
by botg
Dropbox uses a proprietary protocol. Can't use it in FileZilla.

Re: New Feature Suggest: Cloud Backup Profiles

Posted: 2015-08-09 21:59
by vduvernet

Notepad++ has implemeted an interesting alternative (Menu Settings -> Preferences -> Cloud). We can set a local folder on our PC (for example : D:\DropBox\Apps\Notepad++). So this folder will be synced with Dropbox.
Ok that's a 1 way. But it works.

Otherwise, you can use Boxifier :


Re: New Feature Suggest: Cloud Backup Profiles

Posted: 2015-08-10 08:26
by botg
If you let a cloud synchronization program go wild in FileZilla's settings directory you'll soon find out that your data will get corrupted.

Re: New Feature Suggest: Cloud Backup Profiles

Posted: 2016-07-05 15:35
by vduvernet
I've done a workaround scripts which are placed in my Cloud folder (OneDrive / DropBox) :
I must run them manually so I must be careful to not overwrite the more recent config.

Backup :

Code: Select all

@echo OFF
echo [Initialisation]
echo ----------------
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set g_strTemp=%TEMP%
set g_strBatchPath=%~dp0
set g_strCurrentDirectory=%CD%

xcopy "!g_strTemp!\..\..\Roaming\Filezilla" ".\Filezilla" /E /S /Y /I
Restore :

Code: Select all

@echo OFF
echo [Initialisation]
echo ----------------
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set g_strTemp=%TEMP%
set g_strBatchPath=%~dp0
set g_strCurrentDirectory=%CD%

xcopy ".\Filezilla" "!g_strTemp!\..\..\Roaming\Filezilla" /E /S /Y /I
