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Request for development - Login calls EXE, waits and lets the user in

Posted: 2017-11-17 13:39
by jens.murer

we're running Filezilla on Windows for about 900 accounts. Every day 900 files are generated and put into the respective user-directories.
We'd like to "pause" the login of a user, call a executable on the server to generate the one document needed in that moment and after the executable returns successfully the login proceeds, letting the user onto the FTP-server where (magic!) a new document awaits. Data-wise it's a piece of cake: login-name and name of the document are the same.

We know that this is possible with Filezilla but everyone here is a) super busy and b) not into C++. We're searching for a developer who could implement us this change "ready for rollout".

Expand the socket DoUserLogin to:
Call a executable with an argument (the loginname), e.g. C:\Programms\generateFile.exe [loginname]
Wait for a response of the exe
Resume the login

If there is some sort of configuration mask so that we can change the path/name of the exe without compiling: even better.

Please contact me if you're interested.


Jens Murer