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Feature request: Configure mouse double click

Posted: 2017-11-24 12:36
by antonv
Hi Guys, I use Fz mostly in the synchronised browsing mode (love it) while modifying and developing a wordpress website.

As a Windows user, double click opens that file in the application usually Word or Excel and I can edit it. Similarly, I would prefer Fz to act the same way, thus it would be great to be able to configure Fz such that the mouse double click opens a default program, eg an editor, instead of initiating the up/download.

Re: Feature request: Configure mouse double click

Posted: 2017-11-24 13:25
by botg
Did you have a look at the settings dialog?

Re: Feature request: Configure mouse double click

Posted: 2017-11-24 20:32
by boco
Let pictures speak:
