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Posted: 2004-05-21 20:43
by botg
Long time no update, it has been a busy week.

I'm working on the directory cache now, which is required for the LIST command logic which can't be properly implemented without the cache.

In most parts, the cache will be a copy of it's FZ2 counterpart, though some parts will be modified, because some servers use a case-sensitive file system, while others don't. The old cache could cause some problems in this case. Luckily I did not get any negative feedback on the old cache before.

Posted: 2004-05-24 04:18
by fourwood
I'd just like to say that it's really awesome you're working on a Linux port. I've been looking for a decent GUI FTP client for Linux for quite a while. GFTP is decent, but from using FileZilla in Windows, I'd much prefer to use it. So, great job on the port. I look forward to seeing it released!

Posted: 2004-05-24 10:01
by botg
The directory cache in it's most primitive form has been implemented.

Upon connecting to a server, FZ3 tries to retriev a directory listing. it already comes up to the PORT/PASV command. In a few days, FZ3 will retriev it's first real directory listing.

Remember Directory after upload

Posted: 2004-05-27 17:08
by luegner
Since you're talking about directory cache, I thought I'd bring bug number 809563 to your attection. This only happens when directory cache is turned on in Filezilla 2:
When you click on a directory on the remote
side and then click on another directory and upload to
that directory, it goes back to the previous directory
after uploading the files.

Posted: 2004-05-27 17:55
by botg
That won't happen in FZ3. In FZ2 the cache was added in version 1.8, into an existing ftp engine.
But in FZ3, the cache is part of the original design and will cause less problems. (I think about disallowing to turn the cache of completely in FZ3)

Changing Remote Directory on Upload

Posted: 2004-05-28 15:51
by luegner
Since the FZ3 engine will be much different than FZ2, will I be able to change to different remote directories while files are queued to upload as described in bug 953426?

Deleting Symbolic Links

Posted: 2004-05-28 15:57
by luegner
I am also curious about symbolic link behavior. Will it be possible to delete symbolic links without them deleting the linked files as well? This would then mimic bash and X Windows more closely.

Re: Deleting Symbolic Links

Posted: 2004-05-28 19:16
by botg
Since the FZ3 engine will be much different than FZ2, will I be able to change to different remote directories while files are queued to upload as described in bug 953426?
As long as the directory are already cached or the server supports multiple connections: Yes.
luegner wrote:I am also curious about symbolic link behavior. Will it be possible to delete symbolic links without them deleting the linked files as well? This would then mimic bash and X Windows more closely.
Yes. If a link is in your selection and you delete it, you will be asked wheter to remove the link target as well. (With the choices All, Yes, No and None)

Posted: 2004-05-29 09:38
by botg
FileZilla now receives directory listings, but that's all :D
Left to do now is writing the transfer end conditions and passing the data to the parser.

Posted: 2004-05-31 20:39
by botg
FZ3 can now receive, parse and display remote listings in all formats FZ2 supports.

For the rest of this week, I'm concentrating on FZ2 and FZServer. I'm implementing something big :D

Posted: 2004-06-03 16:42
by Golyc
can you make that fz3 shows the remote .htacess file ?

Posted: 2004-06-03 16:54
by eddan
Golyc wrote:can you make that fz3 shows the remote .htacess file ?
This is in FZ2 so no reason it shouldn't be in fz3...
(Edit - Settings - Remote file list - always show hidden files)

Posted: 2004-06-04 00:37
by velkymx
botg - I would love to help out with the GUI - if you need anything just let me know! BTW - what did you think of the round logo?? Anywho - love the project - and the firefox ideas are brilliant.


Posted: 2004-06-04 10:43
by botg
Your logo looks interesting, though I doubt it it would scale down to 16x16 icons with 16 colours.

Posted: 2004-06-04 18:02
by velkymx
Looks good at 16x16 Image

Seems Yahoo!Geocities does like linking... just right click on it and view image.