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Posted: 2006-02-12 20:03
by Felipe
thank you!

how do I save as UTF-8 encoding?
you're already having problems translating FZ 3.
not true, sir. I'm having problems finding the software to help in the translation.

Posted: 2006-02-12 20:26
by eddan
Felipe wrote:how do I save as UTF-8 encoding?
I'm not sure, but I think poEdit does this automatically.. Check the config for poEdit or read the docs. I can't remember doing anything special when I made my translation some time ago, but I could be wrong.
Felipe wrote:
eddan wrote:you're already having problems translating FZ 3.
not true, sir. I'm having problems finding the software to help in the translation.
Hehe, ok, sorry if I offended you. I of course meant that you were having difficulties with the whole translation process (which involves getting the right tools and files you need). And since FZ2 is a lot harder to translate than FZ3 (imo), I just suggested that it wouldn't be worth it. But hey, if you'd like to translate FZ2, read the following guide: ... 0Guide.htm

Posted: 2006-02-12 20:54
by Felipe
thanks :lol: I think that translating FZ2 is sort of working backwards. I'll keep my sights aligned with the current FZ-3 project. No hard feelings

Translation stats

Posted: 2006-02-13 00:44
by milen
I know you have so many other things to do but it would be very nice if you refresh the translation stats over here - As it is now it looks like I've neglected the Bulgarian translation for a long time. Which is not true.

May be a cron job or something?

Posted: 2006-02-13 01:39
by botg
Felipe: If you don't know how to save in UTF-8, send the translation and say that you don't know in the mail, I should be able to convert it using iconv.

Milen: I've got your update to Bulgarian still in my inbox. Just didn't bother to commit the latest batch of changes yet. I'll do it tomorrow.

Posted: 2006-03-02 19:25
by TheMan
oh really? :) :) :)

Posted: 2006-05-31 08:04
by cowest
Sent today by email revised Korean .po file.

Appreciate FileZilla project. :D

Posted: 2006-07-02 09:39
by martini
How do we translate this?

Posted: 2006-07-02 16:57
by botg
martini wrote:How do we translate
Using .nsh files. But I'll have to prepare it still.

Posted: 2006-07-02 18:52
by martini
botg wrote:
martini wrote:How do we translate
Using .nsh files. But I'll have to prepare it still.
ok thanks. :D

Posted: 2006-08-01 15:21
by milen
There is a label with the following text "Revolving hostname" (in "src/interface/updatewizard.cpp", line 144).

Is it really "revolving..." or it should be "resolving..."?

Posted: 2006-08-01 23:23
by botg
milen wrote:There is a label with the following text "Revolving hostname" (in "src/interface/updatewizard.cpp", line 144).
Thanks for spotting this, fixed in CVS.

Posted: 2006-09-21 10:08
by eddan
I'm updating my Norwegian translation and can't seem to translate the "Next >" and "< Back" button in the update wizard. Maybe it's just me, but even the German translation doesn't include those.

The buttons seem to be created various places in updatewizard.cpp but I cant't see any _("Next >") kind of thing, so maybe you forgot those?

Edit: Same for "Finish" aswell it seems.


Posted: 2006-10-18 22:10
by Michal Molhanec
I have problem with filter condition which are always shown in English although they are translated. (To be exact I mean content of filterTypes, stringConditionTypes and sizeConditionTypes arrays from the beginning of filteredit.cpp file).

Re: Filters

Posted: 2006-10-18 22:19
by botg
Michal Molhanec wrote:I have problem with filter condition which are always shown in English although they are translated. (To be exact I mean content of filterTypes, stringConditionTypes and sizeConditionTypes arrays from the beginning of filteredit.cpp file).
Thanks for reporting. Static arrays which will get instanciated at program startup, prior to loading the language files. That's why they don't get their translation. Will be fixed with in the next beta.