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When a registered user connects, can the Remote pane contain ONLY the shared folder?

Posted: 2016-10-21 01:27
by parametric
At present, The remote Pane contains a "Root" folder, and twosubfolders (disk1 and disk2). The user's shared folder is actually inside disk1, so the user has to search for it . . . .

I'd prefer it if only the user's shared folder was visible in the Remote Pane. Is this possible?

My Server is a Buffalo Link Station LS220DE with 2 x 2Tb drives - accessed via my DDNS provider's hostname.

The Buffalo user guide states to access the shares as /mnt/disk1/foldername - which I have entered into FZ Sitemanager for that user. . .

I'm on Win10 Pro and running FZ 3.22.1

Any Ideas?

Best Regards


Re: When a registered user connects, can the Remote pane contain ONLY the shared folder?

Posted: 2016-10-21 11:39
by botg
You need to contact your server vendor for assitance.