Newbie trying to create server/client set up

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Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#1 Post by AKG1963 » 2022-10-29 02:41

Let me first explain what I'm trying to do.

I have a data logging device that can be configured as an FTP client. It stores data in csv files, and it is connected to a local network. The data logging device has a limited memory. I have a desktop computer on that network, and I'd like to set that computer up as an FTP server. I want to have the data logging device send files once per day via FTP to the server computer, so the computer can be a long term storage location for the files generated by the logger.

I should explain that I've been working at this for a few days, and the most valuable thing I have learned is that I'm over my head. So I don't know what questions to ask.

Let's start with setting up the desktop as an FTP server.

1. The "server listener" has a default address of What does this mean? Why not How does access the same network I'm on when my IP is
2. What is a local listening port? 14148?
3. Rights management? Do I need a group? What does a group do for me?
4. Virtual path? What is a virtual path? If I set up a native path as C:\FTP_Files, then is my native path /FTP_Files? what is the relationship between the virtual port and the native port?
5. What is the path pointing to? Is this where the files are?
6. Groups have paths and users have paths. Are these the same objects?

I will probably have many more questions as I begin to understand this system. Thank you for taking the time to explain it.


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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#2 Post by boco » 2022-10-29 03:35

1. The "server listener" has a default address of What does this mean? Why not How does access the same network I'm on when my IP is
2. What is a local listening port? 14148?
That one is not for client connections, but administration. FileZilla Server has the engine part (running as Windows service by default) and the Administration Interface (the part you can see and interact with). Both communicate over TCP/IP. Local administration of the server uses localhost and administration port 14148 by default. Localhost is correct, as both engine and interface are on the same machine.
Note that this has absolutely nothing to so with client connections.

All settings for client connections are set from within the admin interface (menu Server - Configure or CTRL+F).

Server listeners define the IPs and ports for client connections. The normal with port 21 is usually just fine. means "listen on all addresses you find".
3. Rights management? Do I need a group? What does a group do for me?
You need to define at least one user for the device to log into. Groups are never truly needed, but can ease your life if you have many users (users organized into groups can have shared settings and directories).
Rights management is required; as the device needs to upload (write) to your server, you must set Write permissions to the directory it needs to access.
4. Virtual path? What is a virtual path? If I set up a native path as C:\FTP_Files, then is my native path /FTP_Files? what is the relationship between the virtual port and the native port?
While physical/native paths are the directories on the machine's filesystem, they are never directly accessed by clients. Instead, you map the physical path to a virtual path in the account settings. The upmost path (called root or Home) is depicted by a single slash / - the server uses a UNIX-like syntax.
The device will log into the server and see only the virtual paths you set up, nothing else.

If the native (real) path is C:\FTP_Files, you need to enter it exactly like that into the native path field. The virtual path can be anything, but must start with a slash. In the most basic case, you just use /. The device would then login and simply upload all files to its Home, without any directories involved. However, if the logger wants to upload to a subdirectory, say "logger", you'd set the virtual path as "/logger".
5. What is the path pointing to? Is this where the files are?
In short: Virtual paths define the directories the client will see after logging in, and the native paths will define where the uploaded files will actually end up on your hard drive. This allows to build complex directory structures, with native path coming from multiple drives, even. It sounds more complicated as it really is.


/ -> C:\FTP_Files
/Documents -> D:\Documents
/Pictures -> F:\Pictures

The client will see the root, along with "Documents" and "Pictures" subdirectories. The root equals C:\FTP_Files, Document equals D:\Documents and Pictures equals F:\Pictures. All operations the client does with the virtual paths will be automatically done on the corresponding native paths by the server.

Note: Will move this to Server subforum.
6. Groups have paths and users have paths. Are these the same objects?
No. Groups are for setting up multiple users with equal or similar settings. Paths you define for a group will automatically apply to all users which are members of that group. Paths defined for the user itself apply only to that user.

By the way, there is actually a comprehensive manual for the Server, which you can buy. It will explain everything in detail, and better than I can. On the download page, press the green download button and select the "FileZilla Server with manual" option.
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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#3 Post by AKG1963 » 2022-10-29 11:09

Thank you very much for your explanations. I will refer to the manual before asking any more questions here. Thanks again.

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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#4 Post by AKG1963 » 2022-10-29 12:12

I've gone through the manual part where they explain Server Listeners. I have followup questions on that. What is that server listener address? I'm entering because that's what the manual shows. My client is not addressed as and my host computer is also not addressed as So what does this address refer to? Is it a mask or a specific address?


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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#5 Post by AKG1963 » 2022-10-29 13:11

I have figured out enough that I know I have a valid connection and that my logging device is able to successfully log onto the server. Here's the log file from the server, or part of it. I have set up the user as

andy (read and write permissions)
Virtual path /FTP
Native path C:\FTP

andy is in group "main"
Virtual path /FTP
Native path C:\FTP

The folder C:\FTP exists on the server computer
The folder C:\LOGS\LOG1 also exists on the server
The folder \LOGS\LOG1 exists on the client

<Date> Info [Type] Message
<10/29/2022 9:02:32 AM> FTP Session 21 [Response] 220-FileZilla Server 1.5.1
<10/29/2022 9:02:32 AM> FTP Session 21 [Response] 220 Please visit
<10/29/2022 9:02:32 AM> FTP Session 21 [Command] USER andy
<10/29/2022 9:02:32 AM> FTP Session 21 [Response] 331 Please, specify the password.
<10/29/2022 9:02:32 AM> FTP Session 21 [Command] PASS ****
<10/29/2022 9:02:32 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Response] 230 Login successful.
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Command] TYPE A
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Response] 200 Type set to A
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Command] STRU F
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Response] 200 Using file structure 'File'
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Command] MODE S
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Response] 200 MODE set to S
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Command] CWD /logs/log1/ - Is the client trying to change the working directory of itself or of the server?
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Response] 550 Permission denied
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Command] MKD /logs/ - Is the client trying to make a directory on the server?
<10/29/2022 9:02:33 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Response] 550 Permission denied
<10/29/2022 9:02:34 AM> FTP Session 21 andy [Command] MKD /logs/log1/

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#6 Post by boco » 2022-10-29 16:29

As I told before, just means "all IP addresses".

The client tries to build a directory structure by itself. Just use / as virtual path, not /FTP, and give it Write permissions.

If "andy" is the only user, you don't need Groups at all. And you definitely don't need to set the same paths in both the Group and User areas.
Either make andy not a member of any groups, then the definitions in User space apply.
Or, delete the definitions for andy, and inherit them from the Group settings. That's how it works.
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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#7 Post by AKG1963 » 2022-10-29 17:06

I understand that it's clear to you. I think when something is clear to us it is difficult to understand it's not clear to someone else. Thanks for your help. Have a good day.

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Re: Newbie trying to create server/client set up

#8 Post by boco » 2022-10-29 23:51

If the manual lacks anything in your eyes, or somethings is not explained clearly enough, you can always give feedback to the devs. Like the software, the manuals are not written in stone and can be improved.

Sorry, I'm not very good in explaining things, being autistic.
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