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Tracking User logins

Posted: 2015-03-03 19:09
by hkypuk6
Other than going thru the log file for each day, is there a way the I can find out which "users" have logged into the FTP Server, and when the last time was that they logged in? I have a lot of users and some I'm finding have never logged in or very rarely log into the server. I would like to remove those users who have never logged in. It would be nice to show last logged in date within the window where you setup each user.


Re: Tracking User logins

Posted: 2015-03-03 19:19
by botg
Going through the log is the only way to do it right now.

Re: Tracking User logins

Posted: 2015-03-03 19:23
by hkypuk6
botg wrote:Going through the log is the only way to do it right now.
Thanks. Hopefully this is something that others have interest in and can be added as a new feature down the road.

Re: Tracking User logins

Posted: 2020-01-28 18:56
by ltiwana-public
I was in the same situation where we need to find active users and migrate them to new servers. So I created a PowerShell script to break down the log files and provide me with username and timestamp.

if you have logging enabled then something like this would work through PowerShell:

Code: Select all

$FileZillaLogs = $null
$FileZillaUsers = @()

## Use this line to only look at one log file
$FileZillaLogs = Get-Content  "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\Logs\fzs-2020-01-13.log"

## OR

## Uncomment this line to look at all the files in log folder
#$FileZillaLogs = Get-Content  "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\Logs\*.log"

foreach ($Line in $FileZillaLogs) {
    $Date = $Null
    $Username = $Null
    if ($Line -match '> USER') {
        $Line -match "\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} (A|P)M" | Out-Null
        $Date = $Matches[0]
        $Username = ($Line -split "USER ")[1].trim()
        $FileZillaUsers += [PSCustomObject]@{
            Date = $Date
            Username = $Username

# Display the results
$FileZillaUsers | FT -autosize

# Export the infomraton to a csv file
$FileZillaUsers | Export-Csv FileZillaUsers.csv -NoTypeInformation