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get disconnected every sec.

Posted: 2004-08-10 00:47
by Clement

I got some trouble to stay connected to the server. Every time I log on, I get disconnected within a second...

Status: Connecting to ...
Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.2 beta
Response: 220-written by Tim Kosse (
Response: 220 Please visit
Command: USER anonymous
Response: 331 Password required for anonymous
Command: PASS
Response: 230 Logged on
Command: FEAT
Response: 211-Features:
Response: MDTM
Response: SIZE
Response: MODE Z
Response: 211 End
Status: Connected
Error: Disconnected from server

I don't get any information about the problem but I sure it must some kind of wrong setting.

Thanks for your help

ps: I already switch the client to PASV mode but doesn't change anything

Posted: 2004-08-10 08:34
by botg
Could you please post a log with enabled debug settings?