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Newest filezilla server on Cluster

Posted: 2020-12-03 13:43
by Edgarus
I'm trying to put FileZilla Server on microsoft failover cluster. Files are stored on cluster shared volume (exe, xml, etc), filezilla service intalled using "FileZilla Server.exe /install" command, service is visible for FCM, but when I start the role, I can't connect to FileZilla server using Interface. If I try to log into ftp server, the connection is established but invalid username/password message is displayed. I think that configuration file is not accessible for the service.
Is there a way to point configuration file, for example during start? I've found that installer creates a registry key at Current user\Software\FileZilla server. Does service look for this registry key? Maybe it should be HKCMachine considered as default registry key. O

Please help
Best regards

Re: Newest filezilla server on Cluster

Posted: 2020-12-07 09:54
by botg
Make sure to connect to the admin interface through localhost. Remote administration must be explicitly enabled first.