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About security measures of PC of FileZilla Server(ver 1.1.0)

Posted: 2021-11-26 07:30
by maru

I am currently testing the new FileZilla Server (ver 1.1.0).
I am a beginner.
Please forgive my lack of study.

I would like to ask about security measures for the PC on which FileZilla Server is installed.

The network environment and how to connect to FileZilla Server are as shown in the attached file.

As Mr. Kosse told me the other day, I will set the following in the Passive mode setting of FileZilla Server(ver 1.1.0).

From: 49152 To: 65534

I also plan to open TCP ports 49152 to 65534 with Port Forward on the router.

Some people worry about security if the size of the TCP port they open on the router is large.
What do you think about this?

Should I take additional security measures on the PC where FileZilla Server is installed?
For example, how about installing Norton on a PC where FileZilla Server is installed?

Am I too worried about the above points?

Please let me know if you have any good advice.

Re: About security measures of PC of FileZilla Server(ver 1.1.0)

Posted: 2021-11-26 09:28
by botg
Some people worry about security if the size of the TCP port they open on the router is large.
What do you think about this?
NAT routers are not firewalls, they serve very different purposes. You can connect an otherwise secure system directly to the Internet without any NAT router involved.

In my opinion there are only two situations in which firewalls are useful, in all other cases they only give a false sense of security:
  • Whitelist filtering. Disallow everything except traffic both to and from a select few hosts you trust.
  • Accidental misconfiguration where a service is running that shouldn't be running.
Of course the usual precautions of operating a computer always apply, such as not executing arbitrary executables received via email, or not downloading programs from a some shady website promising to give you access if you run it.

Last but not least, I recommend using Linux instead of Windows, that measure alone greatly reduces the potential attack surface. Both FileZilla and FileZilla Server are available for Linux.

Re: About security measures of PC of FileZilla Server(ver 1.1.0)

Posted: 2021-11-27 07:29
by maru
Thank you for reply.
Thank you very much for your valuable information.
I also understand that Linux is more secure.
However, since my company currently has only Windows PC, I would like to take security measures for FileZilla Server PC (Windows 10) with Norton etc.
In the future, I would like to consider the introduction of Linux.
Thank you , Mr.Kosse.