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Showing User Directory Twice

Posted: 2024-01-08 22:54
by pmvw-akpm

I've got a directory like this:

In Group1, I set HOME to be C:\FTPSites\Company as Read, List, +Subdirs

For my User2, I set group membership to be Group1 and the directory to be
C:\FTPSites\Company/User2 with all permissions

When User2 logs into the FTP, they see the following:

How can I stop showing the double /User2 and only have a single one with the correct permission?



Re: Showing User Directory Twice

Posted: 2024-01-08 23:53
by boco
It sounds like you are using a Server 0.9.x version. This branch is no longer supported, you need to be on the latest version (1.8.0 at the moment).

Re: Showing User Directory Twice

Posted: 2024-01-09 15:42
by pmvw-akpm
Unfortunately, from what I've been reading. 1.8.0 no longer supports basic non-secure FTP.
Which means that our group of old tech that uses non-secure FTP will no longer work.

While I would love to throw $$$$$$ at this to replace the tech and make it secure; however, that isn't viable.


Should I abandon Filezilla-Server completely?

Re: Showing User Directory Twice

Posted: 2024-01-09 16:04
by botg
FileZilla Server still supports insecure plain FTP. It however does not support not supporting FTP over TLS.