SSH login stopped working

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SSH login stopped working

#1 Post by MikeHopley » 2021-09-13 13:47

First, thanks for a great piece of free software! I've been using it a long time and it's always been reliable.

Suddenly I am not able to connect to my server. This followed a FileZilla update, but I don't know whether it's caused by the update.

Anonymised, the message log says:
Status: Connecting to
Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11
Command: keyfile "C:\keys\private.ppk"
Command: open "" 22
Status: Using username "user".
Status: Authenticating with public key "user@location" from agent
Status: Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!
I'm using Pageant to store my keys. The weird thing is that I can still SSH into the server using Putty.

Any suggestions welcome. Normally I would just downgrade to the previous version without a second thought, but FileZilla has been so stable in my experience that I expect there might be something else going on.

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Re: SSH login stopped working

#2 Post by botg » 2021-09-14 10:19

Strange. I'll try to reproduce.

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Re: SSH login stopped working

#3 Post by MikeHopley » 2021-09-15 10:17

botg wrote:
2021-09-14 10:19
Strange. I'll try to reproduce.
Thank you! Let me know if there's any other info I can supply -- I hope I'm not wasting your time by missing something obvious!

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Re: SSH login stopped working

#4 Post by Rob190 » 2021-09-20 23:20

I have the exact same problem. I've just rebuilt the server so I was expecting to have some issues with the known_hosts file. However, I've removed all the entries from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys and it still gives the same error.

I can sftp from a git-bash shell ok.


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Re: SSH login stopped working

#5 Post by MikeHopley » 2021-09-23 11:56

I installed Cyberduck and imported my bookmarks from Filezilla. Connected fine, so I think that confirms this is a Filezilla issue rather than something on my end.

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Re: SSH login stopped working

#6 Post by botg » 2021-09-27 14:18

I've been unable to reproduce the issue.

Please post a complete log of a connection attempt with the debug level set to 3 in the settings. In addition, please answer the following four questions:

What algorithm does the key file configured in FileZilla use? Is it encrypted?
Which SSH agent (product and version) are you using? What algorithm is the key configured in your agent using?

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Re: SSH login stopped working

#7 Post by Rob190 » 2021-10-01 16:53

Command: open "robert@" 22
Trace: Looking up host "" for SSH connection
Trace: Connecting to port 22
Trace: We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.55.1
Trace: Connected to
Trace: Remote version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3
Trace: Using SSH protocol version 2
Trace: Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256 (unaccelerated)
Trace: Server also has ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/rsa-sha2-512/rsa-sha2-256/ssh-rsa host keys, but we don't know any of them
Trace: Host key fingerprint is:
Trace: ssh-ed25519 255 SHA256:Tm4p/I642n8E9uD/MxgjqByFpTKms1jBMeD1hHJZL5s
Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM outbound encryption
Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM outbound MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
Trace: Initialised AES-256 GCM inbound encryption
Trace: Initialised AES256 GCM inbound MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
Trace: Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
Trace: Pageant has 1 SSH-2 keys
Status: Using username "robert".
Trace: Trying Pageant key #0
Status: Authenticating with public key "imported-openssh-key" from agent
Trace: Sending Pageant's response
Status: Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!
Trace: Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!
Trace: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Trace: CSftpControlSocket::OnTerminate without error
Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
Trace: CSftpConnectOpData::Reset(66) in state 3
Error: Could not connect to server
I just tried sftp in power-shell and was able to log in, upload files, list directories etc.

I think your questions are answered in the log? Let me know if anything's missing.


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Re: SSH login stopped working

#8 Post by ludoc » 2021-10-03 07:39


I had the same error message (Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!) today with Putty,

I just upgraded Putty to last version (0.76) but in fact, it doesn't uninstall my (very) old version (0.67).
I was running Putty 0.76 with Pageant 0.67 (I saw that a bit later), it doesn't work.

I think you should try to update Pageant to the last version, and make sur you are running the right version.
Right-clic -> About on the Pageant icon in the WIndows systray.

I hope it can help,

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Re: SSH login stopped working

#9 Post by Rob190 » 2021-10-10 23:14

That worked. Thanks!

Strange that everything else (WinSCP, Cyberuduck etc.) were all fine with the previous version.

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