Dark Background in FileZilla?

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#31 Post by mtness » 2022-02-17 10:25

Hi Pachat,
could you please tell me/us what program that is that you found by chance? I'm in search for exaclty this, too.
Thanks in advance,
Pachat wrote:
2021-09-16 17:01
Let me thank you for thirteen years of intensive use of FileZilla. It helped a lot.
Sorry that my eyes cannot continue without a dark mode.
I had also another program, very old, RanSack, that helped me to search in my disk (as I don't like Windows search) with no dark mode.

By chance, I found a program that does both : search in my local disk and FTP with a true dark mode.
Now, every application is in Dark Mode. A true relief.

Bye and good luck.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#32 Post by lexgear » 2022-02-24 02:14

As someone with photophobia (intolerance to light, not a fear of), I need dark mode wherever possible. Filezilla is such a great app, but I have to keep it minimised at all time. Please do something about this.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#33 Post by toxyy » 2022-04-18 16:10

I've been monitoring this darkmode issues as a lurker for a few years now and I registered specifically to say that I'm finally transitioning from filezilla to other software because of the sheer obstinance of developers is mind boggling.

Take this example:
botg wrote:
2021-08-31 07:57
The system dictates which colors to use, it has an API for that since at least Windows 3.1

Blame Microsoft for not using this perfectly fine functionality of their own operating system.
Filezilla is used by many developers. We know how it works, how programs choose their colors. You are choosing to use these colors supplied by Windows, as developers of FileZilla. This is not mandated, it is a design decision on your part. I have seen the explanation from boco, how do I put this... so change it? Have you considered that blaming Windows is, to use modern vernacular, pretty cringe? Lots of us here make programs. We know what you're talking about. It's still a design decision on your part. Either appeal to Windows themselves, you're large enough that a question in the right place will get a solid answer or recommendation. You keep saying you're a "true win32 application", well, is this design decision enhancing or degrading your overall user experience, and furthermore, is it costing you users?

Well, it's cost you this user for now. I've waited long enough for you guys to come around and stop making excuses, because that's what they are, excuses for design decisions made, a remark that "oh well THAT comment was in 2019" then a continued rehash of the old dogma. Come on, man. We can do better than that.
botg wrote:
2021-08-19 05:48
It's telling if a multi-billion-dollar company cannot even make use of the functionality that's been in their own operating system since at least Windows 3.
It's telling if the development team widely used program cannot replicate simple visual functionality that's been in their own IDE's since at least 2010.

And now, every actual respected program that exists. It's just you guys. You're the last big ones. It is, quite literally, your problem. Just throw an obscure color pallet in a panel as an alternate "global theme", let us preset it, and be done with it. Then you can still be a "true win32 application". This is pretty simple stuff. Instead, just met by a bunch of rude excuses and blaming Windows, that kind of behavior puts a bad taste in anyone's mouth. Your obtuse design decisions are costing you users. Come on.

And that philosophy is reflected in my other post as well regarding your forum administration. Please properly fix your forum. These design decisions in filezilla are somehow bleeding over into your web administration - as I said in the other post, you have the default anti-spam countermeasure installed, and are just blocking entire domains from registering as a non solution. It's one of the most backwards things I've ever seen. Fix it. There's no excuse for a company such as yourselves to have 2003 anti-spam and start blocking gmail (LOL) to fight that. You won't receive support on phpbb.com as you deleted your copyright, so these two rants from me are the best you're gonna get. Good luck.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#34 Post by botg » 2022-04-18 18:09

It's telling if the development team widely used program cannot replicate simple visual functionality that's been in their own IDE's since at least 2010.
Joke's on you, I don't use an IDE.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#35 Post by botg » 2022-04-22 08:19

Detecting dark mode is the easy part. The problem is that the native controls from Windows don't support it to begin with. Using custom controls and custom colors for everything is not a maintainable solution.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#36 Post by darkangel612 » 2022-04-24 21:29

I want to add that I too and many of my forum members that use your program also have painful eyes with light windows. I use an iMac/Catalina and have dark mode employed everywhere I can. Google claims to be in dark mode but not everywhere either...LOL

Hopefully, someone can do something about this for us old and young painful eyeballs.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#37 Post by starlightning » 2022-05-15 09:23

I was a 15+ year user of Filezilla Pro that switched to another client 2 years ago because of this issue. I stopped back in to see if it has changed. While I agree that MS should fix it and that doing it yourself is more complex for a cross-platform app, that doesn't change the fact that many of your users need it given the large desktops we have now.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#38 Post by iam_sysop » 2022-05-15 19:08

I have to say that I like dark mode.

That said - we've been using computers for over 5 decades without dark mode.

What did all these people do then when it didn't exist that it has become such a deal breaker now -- especially over free software???

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#39 Post by boco » 2022-05-15 21:13

What did all these people do then when it didn't exist
They took it like real men. Today, it's just pussies. Hint: No, your eyeballs won't burn away if the background is white. It's ordinary light, not lasers.

Disclaimer: That was sarcasm.
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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#40 Post by starlightning » 2022-06-28 09:04

iam_sysop wrote:
2022-05-15 19:08
I have to say that I like dark mode.

That said - we've been using computers for over 5 decades without dark mode.

What did all these people do then when it didn't exist that it has become such a deal breaker now -- especially over free software???
In the year 2000 I would have needed six 19" CRTs to get the same monitor area in front of me that I have now, and my setup isn't impressive. If I had had that I would have wanted dark mode then too... and not just due to visible radiation. ;)

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#41 Post by webtek » 2022-07-30 18:23

I registered here only to say that I REGRET BUYING FILEZILLA PRO. I can't believe I supported developers who don't care at all about their users. I should never have supported this software.

I have been monitoring the dark theme feature request for at least 5 years. Every time I come to the forum to check if there is some update, all I can find are hundreds of users complaining and developers being condescending and not caring at all about users who made their success.
I can't even believe we have to argue with developers to convince them there is a use case for a dark theme and not just a "toy app". OMG IT'S 2022 GUYS and your software still looks like something that hasn't been updated since the '90s. I don't care about the looks all I care about is MY EYES F*CKING HURT.

The vast majority of programming apps have a dark mode in 2022. I open my computer with Windows 10 in dark mode. I'll play some music in my MP3 player in dark mode. I tweet some stuff in dark mode, then browse facebook in dark mode. Then I search on google in dark mode, I find a thread on StackOverflow in dark mode. Now I find my PHP file in Windows Explorer in dark mode, then I open Visual Code in dark mode, I do my stuff and now I'm ready to upload. I open FileZilla and boom MY EYES F*CKING hurt it's literally the only app I'm using without a dark mode.

Oh and give me a break with the "it's free". I PAID FOR IT. Filezilla is getting money. The worst is seeing how devs do not care at all about feature requests. They don't even try to look professional with a canned reply "thanks for your suggestion we will consider it blah blah" no they're just making fun of you with condescending replies. Or they blame Microsoft for their own lack of features LOL oh okay then how did thousands of apps still managed to build their own dark theme without begging Microsoft to change their OS?

So after years of waiting and seeing devs not give a damn about it, I finally made the switch and moved to WinSCP. It is so much better and it has a dark mode built-in. The migration from Filezilla to WinSCP is very easy. I donated $50 to WinSCP because I want to support companies who care about their users and not condescending devs who only care about themselves and their own vision.

FileZilla, you're dead to me.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#42 Post by botg » 2022-07-30 23:05

They don't even try to look professional with a canned reply "thanks for your suggestion we will consider it blah blah"
Thank you for your feedback. What do you suggest a professional reply should look like?

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#43 Post by FloatingTrees » 2022-09-06 21:31

iam_sysop wrote:
2022-05-15 19:08
I have to say that I like dark mode.

That said - we've been using computers for over 5 decades without dark mode.

What did all these people do then when it didn't exist that it has become such a deal breaker now -- especially over free software???
I had to register just for this. The lack of a dark mode option really pisses me off. It's not cosmetic, it's a necessity. And just because something didn't exist before doesn't mean that people were happy with what they had, it's just they didn't have any other choice.

Let me make a simple list of why this is important:
  • The overwhelming majority of apps and webpages these days are in dark mode, so having your eyes accustomed to a dark screen then suddenly switching to an all-white screen is VERY PAINFUL to the eyes, and the constant switching is probably not safe in the long run.
  • We spend way too much time on our computers compared to before (working\reading-learning\playing\socializing... etc), having an option to adjust brightness\color scheme depending on the surroundings helps prevent eye exhaustion.
  • Monitors back then were not as big or bright as today. You can get easily tired looking at bright screens compared to screens with softer and darker colors.
  • Even when we're talking about laptops with their smaller and dimmable screens, having an all-white screen that forces all pixels to be firing at 100% brightness drains the batteries pretty quickly. It's highly inefficient.
I've been a FileZilla user for so long, and I've eagerly checked the themes section after every update, hoping to finally see that dark theme option only to get disappointed. I'm also greatly disappointed by the attitude I've seen from the developers here. You are rapidly losing users over this, users who may never return. I hope you can understand that being stubborn is not helping you in any way.
I'm saddened to say this but after a LONG wait for the dark theme I've finally made my decision to switch to WinSCP. It has all the features I need and is less harsh on my eyes.

Whatever you guys to decide to do, good luck.

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#44 Post by oibaf » 2022-09-07 10:45


Your post was very elaborated, it feels you put lots of energy and thoughts into it. You even registered just to write it.

I wonder, thus, would it have taken you much more energies to perhaps read a few of the past replies in which the technical reasons for not having dark mode in FileZilla are given? It was explained, for instance, that the main reason is that dark mode is not supported in the UI framework that FileZilla uses. That alone, should be sufficient, shouldn't it?

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Re: Dark Background in FileZilla?

#45 Post by VanVan » 2022-10-06 16:01


It is indeed a pity that wxwidgets does not natively support darkmode.
However, I am in the same situation, I am a computer developer, and I use filezilla for 18 years, very regularly, even if recently the advent of the Cloud and storage objects reduced its use, in favor of CyberDuck and consor.
However, when I work in the evening, and that the whole of my computer and Web is displayed in black, to have a luminous flash when FileZilla is launched is annoying, to the point that I look away, in spite of screens set in low luminosity (I have 4 screens, and before I had the eyes tired by dint of working in front of the screens, but with all in black, the visual tiredness disappeared)
I also noticed that Audacity, which also uses the wxwidgets library, offers a Darkmode, so I guess it's possible to change the background color of the windows with wxwidgets, even if indeed, the selects are the only elements left white on Audacity, it may be more complicated at this level, but I haven't investigated.

I understand your reasons, and I'm not complaining, I thank the development efforts.
As a user feedback, however, I will probably change for this reason as well.
Thank you for all these years
