501 Couldn't open directory

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500 Command not understood
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Joined: 2023-10-18 07:12
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501 Couldn't open directory

#1 Post by JonathanGrady » 2023-10-18 07:34

Good Morning Everyone,

I have an issue at present with one company who are trying to access our FTP Server. We have other people and companies who can connect fine just this one in particular.

We have run through a number of scenarios with them with various ways of connecting but their software is pretty much set in stone and they think the blame is with ourselves. We are at a point with them where they think that Filezilla is blocking regex queries. Attached is a sample log for when we try to configure their website (little customisation in settings) and what we can then see on the server side.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as even though we have no other issues with anyone else they are keen to place the blame at our feet. If it is then great we'll fix but pulling up blanks. We have checked out server config and can't see anything in there for reg ex settings.

Many Thanks
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Re: 501 Couldn't open directory

#2 Post by botg » 2023-10-18 07:50

We are at a point with them where they think that Filezilla is blocking regex queries.
The protocol has no such concept. Whatever regular expressions you are using, all the regex processing is done by your client.

According to the log, the client wants to list the contents of a directory with a particular name, but no such directory exists, there is only a file with that name. As per specifications in RFC 3659 the appropriate reply code is thus 501.

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