FTP with XP

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FTP with XP

#1 Post by Schto » 2004-11-18 13:11


I'm a novice in the using of File Zilla. I'va already browse the forum, and I don't find the answer at this problem :
when I'm connecting on the FTP server (which is free) from a computer on W2000, it's ok, no problem, I can upload files without problem. But, when I want to do the same thing from a computer on XP Pro, I have always the same message (english version below):
"Vous êtes connectés à xxxx.free.fr. Attente du message d'accueil."
In english : "You are connected at xxxx.free.fr. Waiting of reception message". (Sorry, the translation is surely false). And nothing occurs. :(
I've installed ftp componant in "add windows components".

I repeat : the problem arrives only when I want to connect from a computer on XP.

Have you an idea of the solution ? :?: :)

thank you.

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#2 Post by Tropics » 2004-11-18 14:30

have you tried disabling the windows xp firewall?

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#3 Post by Schto » 2004-11-18 16:44

Yes, of course. I ve disabled the Firewall of XP and Zone Alarm. The message is always the same.
To be sure, could you tell me again the way to disable the XP FireWall ?

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#4 Post by fillide » 2004-11-18 18:15

You can also try to enabled the "Passive mode" which is in the options.
This is usefull when using some firewalls.

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#5 Post by Golyc » 2004-11-18 21:22

if you use service pack 2 you will need to specfy the filezilla.exe application in the firewall ! :D

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#6 Post by Schto » 2004-11-19 12:41

Yes, I tried the passive mode. The problem persists.
I confirm ; I' disabled the XP Firewall.

I don't use SP 2.

But, I've activated the ftp tracer, if this could help you :

Etat : Connexion à xxxx.free.fr ...
Trace : FtpControlSocket.cpp(772): OnConnect(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003acc84
Etat : Connecté à xxxx.free.fr. Attente du message d'accueil...
Etat : Connexion à xxxx.free.fr ...
Etat : Connecté à xxxx.free.fr. Attente du message d'accueil...
Trace : FtpControlSocket.cpp(1589): OnClose(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003acc84
Erreur : Déconnecté du serveur
Trace : FtpControlSocket.cpp(834): DoClose(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003acc84
Trace : FtpControlSocket.cpp(3502): ResetOperation(4100) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003acc84
Erreur : Impossible de se connecter !
Etat : Attente de relance... (encore 5 tentatives)

Maybe someone could send me his parameters file (.xml) to test this on my computer ? (schtozone@free.fr)

And, I would know if someone succeed to use File Zilla with XP ?

Thank you all, for your help.

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#7 Post by Tropics » 2004-11-19 14:12

Schto wrote:And, I would know if someone succeed to use File Zilla with XP ?

Thank you all, for your help.
of course: i am indeed using both the filezilla client 2.x and the filzilla server with windows xp, and both have worked with sp1 and are now running under sp2.

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#8 Post by Tropics » 2004-11-19 14:17

have you tested other ftp clients on the windows xp machine? like smartftp or something ... that way you can make sure if the problem is machine-based (like, for example, one router in between has a problem) or if it is indeed a problem with filezilla itself.

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#9 Post by Schto » 2004-11-19 16:48

I think it's really a problem between xp and ftp : I've already tried to use smart FTP, and it does'nt work better, and today, I try Cute Ftp, and I have this message :

*** CuteFTP 6.0 - build May 24 2004 ***

STATUS:> Getting listing ""...
STATUS:> Resolving host name schto.free.fr...
STATUS:> Host name xxxx.free.fr resolved: ip = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
STATUS:> Connecting to FTP server schto.free.fr:21 (ip = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)...
STATUS:> Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...

And I have still the same message : Waiting for welcome message. Exactly the same message like in File Zilla ! ! It's why I ask you if you are using File Zilla in XP, because I've tried File Zilla on 3 computers with XP, and it's always the same thing, whereas it runs very well on W2000 !

An idea ... ? :(

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#10 Post by botg » 2004-11-19 17:50

Did you try to connect to another server like ftp.kernel.org for a test? Maybe the server isn't working.

If other servers fail as well, I think that this problem is most likely caused by some third party software installed on your system.
First of all, Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and other malware can have a great impact. You should run a virus scanner and in addition to that a spyware scanner, like Adaware or Spybot Search & Destroy (search for them using Google).

Other possible candiates are firewalls, routers and virus scanners. Also some tools like so called Download Accelelators (which don't even work, some just slow down the clock so that transfers just look faster than they are) or other programs which install network components, for example packet sniffers, PC emulation software like VMWare or diagnosis and statistics programs.

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#11 Post by Schto » 2004-11-19 18:18

It can't be a virus or a backdoor, or some hacker gift : I'm exactly using Zone Alarm, Ad Aware, Spybot Search and Destroy, and, of Course, Norton Antivirus. I've jsut disabled the XP FireWall.

But, you're right when you say that's the problem is the server : I try to connect to ftp.kernel.org (I don't know this server ! What is it ? Why can I connect on this whitout profil ?), and that works very well.

So, you are going to conclude that it's my server which has a problem... but it is not so easy ! From a computer on W2000, it works !

My web pages are hosted at Free (a French provider)... Maybe should I submit to his support my problem.

A last question on this forum : someone succeed to use File Zilla with XP AND with the host-provider FREE ?

Thanks again.

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#12 Post by botg » 2004-11-19 19:30

Schto wrote:But, you're right when you say that's the problem is the server : I try to connect to ftp.kernel.org (I don't know this server ! What is it ? Why can I connect on this whitout profil ?), and that works very well.
The Linux kernel gets distributed on kernel.org
Schto wrote:So, you are going to conclude that it's my server which has a problem... but it is not so easy ! From a computer on W2000, it works !

My web pages are hosted at Free (a French provider)... Maybe should I submit to his support my problem.
Maybe you have a typo in the address or used the from port number? But if everything is correct, you should contact your provider.

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#13 Post by mriolo » 2004-11-20 05:10


different OS = different machines = different IPs? Are you in a NAT'd environment? perhaps there is an ACL or switch that is the issue beneath. if possible try switching the connections, do an IP release and renew, and give her another run.

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#14 Post by Schto » 2004-11-20 23:53

>> thanks for the informations about ftp.kernel.org. :) About mistakes in re-writing the coordonates of my web-pages, I've verified many times, and I'm sure I haven't done any mistake.
I've submited a request to the support of my provider, and I'm waiting for a response. :?

@mariolo :
>> your recommandations are a bit complex to understand :shock: (I'm not expert in this environment : I have no idea about what's a "NAT'd environment", and I'm not speaking english fluently, I'm french), but you are giving me ways of search.
For information : the fourth stations from I try to connect to my web-pages with File Zilla are using differents providers, and aren't on a same network, and it's impossible to me to plug a XP station on the network where it works. When you talk about ACL, I answer it can't be a security problem, because, (sorry, I'm repeating myself), I've tried the connection from four differents stations, which are all particulars stations (I don't know if you understand me. I would mean they are in a "home environment", or "familial environment", not in a society, not in a company), and then, no ACL are applied on files on these computers. But, maybe are you right about ACL for this reason : I remember now that I have already tried to modify the ACL on the files from my web-pages. I tried to give ALL autorisations on theses pages, but I try to MODIFY the ACL, and maybe it's the begin of the problem. Other thing : I've activated a SQL base on the site, and maybe it requiers few authorizations....

So, I'm going to try 2 others thing :
First : I change again the rights on the web-pages, I "open" all the rights.
Seconde : I open a new page site from my provider, a "blank" site, and I'm try again . There, we will see if it's a problem of rights or not. If it doesn't work after these tests, I will open new personnal pages on a another provider, and test again. From there, I think we will have the answer of this strange problem.

Thank you again and again for your help. I will give you the results of these tests monday or wednesday.

Sorry for my bad level in english ! :oops:

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#15 Post by Schto » 2004-11-26 15:58


I'm sorry, you have all wasted your time.
The support of my provider said me : "when you try to connect to your web pages from a different connection than Free, you must type in the adress case 'ftpperso.free.fr' ". But, I tought that I should type "ftpschto.free.fr" (schto is my perso, my pseudo), but I must really type "ftpperso.free.fr" and not "ftpschto.free.fr".

So, now, it works very well.

Thanks you all for your help, and sorry, many and very sorry.

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