Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#16 Post by boco » 2010-02-26 00:39

I hate to say this, but FileZilla could really use a small, simple internal text editor... only way to ensure consistency of the data. FileZilla knows exactly when the internal editor has finished saving.
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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#17 Post by jumpfroggy » 2010-02-26 16:00

boco wrote:I hate to say this, but FileZilla could really use a small, simple internal text editor... only way to ensure consistency of the data. FileZilla knows exactly when the internal editor has finished saving.
I think that's not necessary. The bug we discussed in this post is not specific to editors. Any program that modifies any files in that way has a high possibility of losing data if the files are simply read by any other program. So the answer is not to put a better editor into filezilla... the answer would be to stop using a buggy/dangerous editor in the first place.

At any rate, seems like none of this matters/applies to filezilla specifically anyway.

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#18 Post by boco » 2010-02-26 22:54

An internal editor built into FileZilla would not be separated code-wise. That means FileZilla itself controls the file saving.

If FileZilla and editor are the same program, there's no communication and timing problem.
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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#19 Post by kadarx » 2010-03-27 19:43

I have a quick fix to the auto uploading issue for windows, which given the above arguments will be frowned on by some people. Though I don't mind the possible loss of data and just want it to auto-upload when i save from notepad++(my default editor in filezilla).

I use autohotkey at

I've created a small script shown below which i have saved as autouploadfilezilla.ahk on my desktop

loop {
IfWinExist, File has changed
Send, !y
Sleep, 1000

I hope this helps anyone who loves filezilla, doesn't mind losing their data and wants auto-upload.


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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#20 Post by abdullah512 » 2010-05-19 13:31

I have this fix for developers using Notepad++

Install FTP Synchronize Plug-in for Notepad++ by Harry which you can say internal ftp client for the editor. It allows to open remote files for editing and upload them whenever they are saved by using Notepad++ hooks.

I think FZ is more suitable for only files uploading and downloading, where files editing needs more careful thus this plugin comes to do the job.

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#21 Post by masterdam79 » 2010-06-09 08:03

@kadarx u tha man!!! This AHK script is just what I needed. Should've thought about it myself...

I open FTP files in Filezilla so they open in edit mode in Komodo (Because their FTP-client is crap, but autocompletion is ace), but can't stand the extra click: "Are you really really really sure that you actually have pressed Save and changed the modification date of your file, so you would really really like to upload??"
CoreFTP does upload files automatically, but when working on multiple sites, it will upload a file which belongs to site1 to site2 as the active connection is to site2. Also it disconnects on certain interval, couldn't be bothered to figure out if that can be changed.
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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#22 Post by pants » 2011-03-04 03:56

Time to necro this thread.

I really do not understand why the maintainers of the code do not want to offer this as an option to their users. Their claims of "technical impossibility" and "your data will be corrupted" ring hollow, since many other FTP clients do exactly this.

Here's an easy tweak to edithandler.cpp:

inside checkmodifications_loopbegin at line 631, modify four lines starting at 679, by commenting out three of them and changing the if statement to always be true:

Code: Select all

//			int res = DisplayChangeNotification(CEditHandler::fileType(i), iter, remove);
//			if (res == -1)
//				continue;

			if (1)//(res == wxID_YES)

And to make it more responsive, responding to a changed file within a second or two instead of 15s:

Line 832:

Code: Select all

void CEditHandler::SetTimerState()
	bool editing = GetFileCount(none, edit) != 0;

	if (m_timer.IsRunning())
		if (!editing)
	else if (editing)
		m_timer.Start(15000); //CHANGE 15000 to 1000
I understand the possibility of data corruption here, and so I use this with all due precautions. But if editing code and doing an edit-upload-test cycle over and over again, this makes life so much better, I can't imagine why you would deprive Filezilla's users from being able to enable this behavior via a preference.


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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#23 Post by pawz » 2011-08-11 03:11

I really want to be a bit snarky and mean about this, but if I do, my comment will just be deleted, so I guess I'll have to be reasonable.

Why is this feature so absolutely technically impossible when DOZENS of other clients do this just fine without any problems ? I don't normally use FileZilla in windows because I have other clients on the mac that I prefer, but since my mac is being repaired, I'm stuck with a windows laptop right now and I whacked on FileZilla because I knew it allowed remote editing but it has this annoying confirmation dialog all the time asking "are you REALLY sure you want to upload this file ?"

Look, it's not impossible. Lots of apps do this. I am rather dubious about these claims of data corruption, especially on the "local" file. How is the remotely possible ? Only one app is WRITING to the file locally, and that's your editor. You save the file, and FileZilla realises this and uploads the file for you. Now, I realise that if you save the file, and then in the moment that FileZilla realises it's changed, you happen to save it again, then if FileZilla chooses that precise millisecond to read the file, right in the microsecond that the file is halfway through being written by your editor (do you realise how ridiculously narrow this window would be ?) then it would upload an incomplete version of the file to your server.

But so what ? Your local version is just fine. FileZilla can't mess with it. It's only reading from the local file, not writing to it, so there's no way your local version can become corrupt. If you happen to do this and by a billion to one chance it uploads an incomplete version, you obviously realise it when you test your web page or app or whatever and you go "Oh, I'll just save it again". No big deal. What's the drama ?

No offence and I don't mean to troll or be rude, but dozens of clients do this just fine and the authors don't get all huffy and say "No. I will not do it. It cannot be done. It's an absolute technical impossibility".

No. It's not. I've been using this feature for many many years in other clients and it has never once corrupted anything or made the sky fall down like you say it will. With all due respect, you sound like you should work for Apple the way you fearmonger and say "This can't be done. Do it OUR way instead".

I just want the silly dialog box to go away. I don't need it. I'm always going to confirm it anyway, so what's the big deal. And anyway, what if I hit enter and then as FZ is uploading the file, I go and re-save it in the editor anyway ? OMG ! Data corruption ! Your silly dialog does not protect anyone from anything, but your justifications for it make even less sense.

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#24 Post by ryan4021 » 2011-09-05 01:37

You can also use this AHK script, I like this one better because it doens't bring filezilla at the front of your screen like it does for me when it auto updates. This one works seemlessly in the background for you so it doesn't annoyingly popup everytime it auto uploads

WinWait,File has changed
ControlClick,Button2,File has changed

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#25 Post by RiCK420 » 2013-07-23 03:42

Not sure why it's being said it's a "technical impossibility". Adobe Dreamweaver has been doing this for me for years, and I've never once had a corrupted file.

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#26 Post by botg » 2013-07-23 05:07

That's because Dreamweaver does both tasks, both saving and uploading.

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#27 Post by audiopro » 2013-07-23 09:02

The operation of an FTP program is simple, why complicate it by trying to automate functions.

I open a local file, edit it, save the edits and upload it to a directory on a remote server.
How does your automated process know which directory on the remote server to upload the file to?
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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#28 Post by shanep » 2013-07-25 19:37

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask the developer of your code editor for this feature?

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#29 Post by tomaszs » 2013-07-30 19:28

I use FileZilla for a while. I edit small PHP files in Notepad2 and after every change i need to go to FileZilla and accept uploading all changes. I do a lots of changes so i still navigate between. Also after each upload i need to refresh my website to see changes so it makes a lots of work in my webdev environment. It would be great if FileZilla team helped in this.

I was reading whole discussion here and wanted to say i also would like to have this feature onboard.

I think that from security point of view it's also good. Because now people install third party software to upload files. And this plus FileZilla (not everything can be done this way) plus editor makes a pack of 3 applications accessing files. It would be much safer to have FileZilla do it.

Moreover it is very simple to implement. You just need to add a checkbox in window asking if FileZilla should upload changed files that would enable auto-upload. And if person checks this FileZilla would remember that in this session it should upload changed file without asking user to do so (for example with 2-3 second delay). So if person still changes file it still waits to the moment that for the last 2-3 seconds there was no further changes.

Also you could show a message box instructing that this is risky option and that no one should use it if he does not know precisely it's risky.

I don't think i would use it on daily basis for example when i do important changes in production server. But when i prototype or just do some small projects, or are in development mode i can take the risk that something will break. I have copies of files on my computer. I have other copies and all i need to do is to make changes fast and easy to the developer staging website.

Hope you implement this, think more people are waiting for this feature. Especially web developers like me.

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Re: Is automatic uploading of changed files still wontfix?

#30 Post by audiopro » 2013-07-30 21:07

I too am a web developer but I tend to edit a few different files which need to go in different directories. If the process was automated, the files could easily end up in the wrong directories.
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